Thomas Mooney and Bridget Mimnaugh. The oldest known graves in the family. Inverness, CA
James Mooney (Son of Thomas & Bridgette)
L2R Marion Boyle, Mary Mooney, Carrie Boyle, September 1896
David D. Mooney – worst mustache ever
David & Mary Family
David and Mary – 50th Anniversary Photo
Standing L2R: David, Elizabeth,Mary, Ida, Crowched: Unknown (Daniel?), James Johnson
TRL2R Lyle D., Robert H, MRL2R: Ida Senduske, James J. James E. w/ Edna M. Seated
James J., Ida, Edna & Friend
James J. Robert Haines & maybe Lyle D.
James J. Smokin’
James Edward Mooney
James J. Mooney Himself
James J. Mooney & Ida Senduskei
James J on right – others unsure
James J. & Ida with the Senduske family
James J. & Ida take a dip
James J. Mooney at the farm
James J. Mooney looking dapper
Jackson – July 6 1924 – James J. third from left, Robert Haines front and center
Ida Senduske & James Johnson Mooney
Ida Senduske
Ida (in water), Edna and Erlene
Lyle D and maybe Jennette
Lyle D Mooney Older Portrait
Lyle D Mooney Young Portrait
Lyle D Mooney
Jane Mooney Ryan – cutie
James Edward with unknown child
James Edward Mooney and Mary Ellen Cole
James Edward and Mary Ellen Cole and family. FRL2R: Mary Ruth, Denise, Janet and James C. Girl on left a guest
James E, Dan, Lyle D. Mooney
Jackson – July 5 1924. No clue who these people are
Jackson – July 5 1924, Robert Haines and James J in the middle
Father Kehren, Minnie Kehren and unknown in Model T
First Communion of unkown
Football Team – must be a Mooney in there somewhere
Great photo of unknown worman
Father Kehren (presumed) and little girl
Erlene, Onida, Edna
Erlene Senduske Wedding
Emma, Ida, Erlene, Edna
Edna Mooney
Edna Mooney graduates #1 in her class
Edna Mooney dressed for winter
Edna Mooney – First Communion
Edna Mae Mooney – possible graduation photo
Edna Mae Mooney at Beach
Edna Mae Mooney
Portrait of Edna Mae Mooney
Edna and friends at graduation
Edna and Friend
Edna & Erlene
Edna (on left) and buddies
Dorothy – The Doll
Edna & Erlene2
Edna (on left) and friends
Campsit cooking with Model T
Boaters (James J. & IDa second and third on left) Edna front center and Whilmine @ Herman Sanduske on starboard corner of boat)
Bayport Cabins
A Party of Swimmers (James J., Edna & Ida on the left)
At Bayport
Baker Perkins Picnic
A boy with Ida
Robert Haines Mooney
Robert Haines & RHM Jr.
Mathilda Mooney
David Darrell Mooney, Jr.
Elizabeth Mooney
David Darrell Mooney
Henrietta Mooney and James Hock
Mary Ruth Mooney circa 1929
Mary Ruth Mooney
James Cole Mooney
James Cole Mooney
Sept. 8, 1951. Marriage of James Cole Mooney and Grace Jean Lovay.
August 6, 1952 L2R Albert K. Mooney, Ann (Holcomb) McNish Robert H. Mooney Jr., I. Marilyn Mooney, William Rogell (my dad’s roommate at ND and son of former Detroit Tiger shortstop Billy Rogell), Irene Mooney (subsequently Bruske), Donald Mooney, Doris Holcomb, and James C. Mooney,
Nov. 10, 1955 L2R: Denise Mooney Skelcey, Tony (Nino) Drago, Howard Crevia III, Janet Mooney Drago, Joe Drago, Mary Ruth Mooney Crevia
Mooney’s Rona
Tim Mooney (l) and Matt Mooney w/Mooney’s Ice Cream